“My dance works expresses an essence that is free from concrete story. They are characterized by esthetics, minimalism and with constant touch to a universal spirit, that reconnect hearts & souls of all mankind.
My activity is committed to authenticity that will not correspond with what consider being customary.One of the main mental-emotional resources from which my dance evolves is LONGING, the yearning to return back to that which is HOME.I aspire to lead the awakened and present audience into a rear worlds where they can let go of attachment & recall the true primal nature of being" .
Maya Dunsky is a multidisciplinary artist, Butoh dancer, choreographer and painter.
Born in Israel, she has spent her early childhood in Nigeria. She is educated in Fine Arts, graphic design, creative dance & choreography. Since 1985 she paved her way in the Butoh dance world as a disciple of the master Ohno Kazuo, the founder of Butoh, by whom she studied and worked for 3 years. While in Japan for 6 years, she also studied percussion with the Japanese musician Keiichiro Masuda, and performed with him in Japan and in Israel from 1986 till 1992. Maya is a Butoh dance pioneer in Israel .She choreographs and performs mainly as soloist. Some of her dance works are duets, trios and ensemble works. She designs the soundtracks for her dance works, as well as the minimal stage design and costumes. Creates video dance and video art works.
In her dance works the figure is located in an abstract space with no concrete story. The muteness of spaces underscored the fragile existence and the clear and exposed signature of the body. Maya choose minimalist elements or objects that create different layers in a given space and emphasize the interaction between the physical body and the object- chair, pillow, table or transparent wall. The space between the present body and an inanimate object symbolize for her the gaping void, the yearning to connection / relation and the possibility for Solace / reliance. The unique language of Butoh-the universal soul dance leans, among others, on the basis of traumatic survival and of the consent to be present, in the uncharted expanses of an absence of security.
She is fascinated by the tension that exists in the range between beauty and loss and by the relations in between the pagane and the urbane.
Since 1995 Maya facilitates on going Butoh creative research studies , workshops and master classes in her unique method BE BUTOH. She guides processes of creativity & specializes in transforming from one's self therapy into awakening to the path of the artist within. As a disciple of Ohno Kazuo, Maya brings forth the authentic spirit of the Butoh.
She bases her dance works on improvisation and stays loyal to this concept. The processes and results are kind of "open form" – a basic structure with its flexible content which leaves space to a surprising emotional and physical occurrence. As a creator she is in a constant willingness to stay in an unsafe area, a place that keeps freshness and revival.Another major part of Maya’s artistic life is painting.Her paintings are mainly large in size and each series maintains a structured logic and characterization, as the diverse series are joined one to another through repetitive motives. Maya is an artist of color and the repeated forms combine mystical and meditative elements, transparent and characterized by inner motion. An abstract atmosphere is formed free of a “story”, even in the presence of familiar objects.She creates and exhibits her artworks in Israel and abroad. Her art works are found in museums and private collections in Israel, New York, Tokyo, Paris, Basel and Berlin.Maya also teaches a unique painting workshop called:"Space-Color - Consciousness", a method she developed.